Work History
BOD/ higher up positions will be listed next to the shop/collab/etc and what the position does if applicable.
The Profile Picture Shop
Lightning Studios 3.0 (vice-chairman; "Helps the Chairman. Takes place of Chairman when absent."
Aesthetic Allure (owner; "Runs the whole shop, can reject orders and applications, and does the UOC"
Flightly Feathered
Lightning Studios 4.0
Super Skill Store (lead project artist; "Does the harder project art orders. Project art includes: Sprites, Backdrops, and Costumes."
Aesthetic Shop!
The Panda Shop 2.0
Touch of Adventure
The Emerald Shop 6.0
Railway Designs
Bee's Boutique
The Design Center
Shop for Shops
Pretsel's Designs
The Panda Shop 3.0
AspectOS (lead artist(resigned after getting a higher-up position); "Helps manage the artists and can accept and reject coding/animation ideas. Can review projects, files, and art-related links for art/animation and see if it is good enough for AspectOS." (Aspect inc Co-CEO; "Has the power of AspectOS CEO. Can accept applications, remove contributors, add tasks, switch people's positions, accept and decline partners, as well as remove them. Can accept and reject ideas, host activity checks, remove high-tier BoD (No CO-CEO unless it's a backstab). Can accept big things that require the BoD to vote."
Aspect Inc. (co-CEO; "Substitute for CEO. Can control all collaborations, Can add and remove contributors from Mid-Tier to Low-Tier without permission, can call activity checks, and approve huge ideas. Can accept partnerships and decline them and can remove them without consideration from the High-Tier board."
Light OS (manager; "Can accept and deny all applications (except Manager applications), can fire workers, can suspend workers, and can accept ideas, also can accept community ideas."
Void OS (manager)
ConvergeOS (co-manager)
Aspect Help
2021 Winter Emerawards